
The Lunch Bunch 

The Lunch Bunch meets the second Thursday of each month in the Fellowship Hall. We have a prepared meal and activities such as Bingo, karaoke, games, and guest speakers. A signup sheet is located in the Narthex each month for those who want to participate. Lunch is served at noon. 

Square Dancing

Square Dancing is friendship set to music. Come join us on Monday evenings at 06:30 in the Fellowship Hall to make beautiful music and friendships together. Ages 12 and up. Our caller, Ken Perkins, has lots of experience and the rest of us are learning every week.

United Methodist Men (UMM)

The mission of the United Methodist Men (UMM) is to support spiritual growth among men, helping men to mature as disciples as they encourage spiritual formation in others. The men’s group gathers to serve many ministries within the community and the church. Various fundraisers support Christmas missions projects, Salkehatchie summer missions, as well as other ministry needs. The UMM have outings throughout the year and monthly Sunday breakfasts and devotionals. Outings have included a paintball excursion and attending Greenville Drive games.

Women in Faith

The Women in Faith meet the third Thursday of each month at 7:00 PM.  All ages are welcome. Their purpose is to support the church in missions and outreach through participation in the global ministries of ARUMC. They fund such missions as The Backpack Ministry, Clothing Drives, and other ministries within the church.