Groups At ARUMC

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United Methodist Men

The mission of the United Methodist Men (UMM) is to support spiritual growth among men, helping men to mature as disciples as they encourage spiritual formation in others. The men’s group gathers to serve many ministries within the community and the church. Various fundraisers support Christmas missions projects, Salkehatchie summer missions, as well as other ministry needs. The UMM have outings throughout the year and monthly Sunday breakfasts and devotionals. Outings have included a paintball excursion and attending Greenville Drive games.

Women in Faith

The Women in Faith meet the third Thursday of each month at 7:00 PM.  All ages are welcome. Their purpose is to support the church in missions and outreach through participation in the global ministries of ARUMC. They fund such missions as The Backpack Ministry, Clothing Drives, and other ministries within the church. 

Forever Young

Forever Young meets the third Wednesday of each month.  Lunch, travel, games, nature walks, picnics and fellowship are enjoyed by all. Forever Young invites all to participate! Sign ups are located in the Narthex. Questions and/or suggestions for this group may be directed to Pastor David Smith or Debbie Welborn.

Sew What?

This group of quilters meets weekly on Mondays to craft prayer blankets that go to church members who are hospitalized or suffering from serious illnesses.

Etta Greer Garden Club

The Etta Greer Garden Club meets the third Saturday of each month at 10:00 am in the Fellowship Hall. Each month a program is provided bringing gardening expertise to its members, gardening information and/or a hands on project. A devotion, program, horticulture tip, and wildlife are presented each month at the meetings followed by light refreshments. The Etta Greer Garden Club is a state and federated club. The Etta Greer Garden Club has an annual fundraiser. Dues are currently $30 per year.

Cub Scout Pack 707

Cub Scout Pack 707 is chartered by Augusta Road United Methodist Church (ARUMC), located in Pelzer, South Carolina. Pack 707 serves the communities of Moonville, Pelzer, Piedmont, Simpsonville and South western Greenville County. Pack 707 is part of the Blue Ridge Council District, Greenville, SC, Boy Scouts of America. 


Cub Scout Pack 707 welcomes boys and girls from K-5 through the Sixth grade, ages 5 to 11. You do not need to attend ARUMC to join Pack 707, all denominations are welcome. Scouting is fun and encourages physical activity, responsibility, citizenship, character and leadership. We meet Tuesday evenings throughout the year. Meetings are from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM in the Fellowship Hall. For more information, please visit