New Here?

All are invited to join us for worship!

Sunday worship is exciting at Augusta Road United Methodist Church and is led by our Pastor, Rev. Dr. Shawn Armstrong. Our Music Director, Tom Chambers, leads our choir and praise band every Sunday. Throughout the year we also are blessed to have our children, youth and special guests lead us in worship!

As you enter the narthex on Sunday morning, our greeter will make sure you have a bulletin and answer any questions that you may have. We welcome members and guests with light refreshments in the Narthex before, during, and after Sunday School.

Communion is served on the first Sunday of each month. Our altar is open to all who love Jesus, repent of their sins, and seek peace with one another.

ARUMC welcomes children of all ages in our worship service. Each Sunday, our children have a children’s sermon at the altar and then head to children’s church with our Children’s Minister and volunteers. During the worship hour, children who remain in the sanctuary have activity totes to help them learn about worship. The totes contain a variety of manipulatives, crayons, coloring sheets etc. These worship totes are located against the wall as you enter the sanctuary. For infants and younger children, there is a staffed nursery during Sunday School and Worship. 

Our songs of praise, prayers and announcements are projected on large screens at the front and back of the sanctuary. We also provide Bibles, hymnals and information cards in the pews. Generally, our choir as well as our Praise Band play contemporary as well as traditional songs and music. We are blessed to have many musicians who sing solos and/or perform instrumental solos.

We invite you to join us each Sunday at 11:00 a.m. for worship. Come learn to Live, Love, and Share for Jesus with our church family. See you Sunday!

Worship Schedule

Sundays 9–9:30 am Early Service (No Early Service on 1st Sunday of Each Month)
Sundays 10–11 am Sunday School
Sundays 11–Noon Regular Service – Live Stream Service


We hope you’ll make our church home your church home. Dress in comfort and ready to focus on our message and to find your place among our members.